Monday, May 14, 2018

How to study right ?

Forest facts

Did you know 30 per cent of the world's forests are used for the manufacturing of wood and non wood products, and that 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their living.

German black forests


                          Black  forests
Germany's black forest - the schwarzwald - gets it's name from it's dark canopy of evergreens that block out most of the sunlight. This enchanting forests covers hills , valleys , and rivers , that stretch from Swiss spa town of Barden - Barden , to the Swiss border , and from the Rhine almost to lake Constance.
The most common trees are of course conifers , but there are also oaks , maples , and elms . Germany's black forests boast of wild boar , rabbits , deer , pheasants , and more exotic ibex , which lives in the Alpine region.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Plant evolution

                       Plant evolution

About two billion years ago, the very first plants appeared on the planet in the form of minute organisms that inhabited the sea.

The first plants were blue green algae, and took another 1,400,000,000 years to establish themselves at least partly on land .
The first plants were the ancestors of mosses, hornworts, and liverworts , and were very short.  Slowly, plants grew in height to become as large as today's massive ferns. Next, seed bearing plants evolved , forming huge Forest. The next major step in the evolutionary history of plants was much later , when flowering plants known as angiosperms first emerged.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Curious facts from human body

           Curious facts from human body

1)Cells from cellular
The word 'cell' comes from the Latin word cellular, which means small compartment.

2) left handedness
Very often , left handed people Excel artistically and creatively. The rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix was left handed, and guitars are generally made for right handed people. So , Hendrix used to hold his guitar upside down while performing.

3) Amazing Heart
During your lifetime , your heart will beat almost 3 billion times , and pumps enough blood to fill 100 swimming pools.

4) Hundred billion!
The brain of an adult human weights around 1.3 kilograms. It has approximately 100 billion nerve cells!!

5) Active at Night
Scientist have found that the brain is more active at night than during the day. They have also discovered that people with higher IQ dream more - so, if you dream a lot , it may mean that you have a high IQ.

6)Hungry brain!
The brain , which makes up only 2 per cent of our body's weight, takes up around 20 per cent of the body's oxygen.

7) Disease of the heart and blood vessels are called cardiovascular diseases. Globally, cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading cause of death.

8) lymphatic system clears the body of harmful materials. It consists of a series of vessels through out the body that drains fluids from tissues. Bacteria and harmful microbes are carried away by a clear fluid called the lymphatic fluid into the lymphatic nodes . Here , they are attacked, and destroyed with white blood cells.

9) Hiccups
Hiccups begins at the dome - shaped muscles diaphragm. An irrigation in the stomach or the throat, trigger hiccups by irritating the diaphragm. When this happens , the diaphragm pulls down in a jerky way , which makes you suck air into your throat suddenly. When the air rushing in hits your voice box , your vocal cords close suddenly, and you're left with hiccups.

10) Our stomach is quite small when it is empty . However, it can easily hold 1.5 litres of food , with a maximum holding capacity of about 4 litres!!

Black hole , a time machine?

Yawning is not that bad

                       Why do we yawn ?
We yawn whenever we feel sleepy , tired ,or bored . At such times , our body relaxes and our breathing becomes shallow. When this happens , we open our mouth wider, and yawn to take in extra air. This helps to bring more oxygen into blood . The extra oxygen speeds up the circulation , and stretches the muscles . Yawning also moves more carbon dioxide out of the blood .
Another theory is that yawning stretches the lungs . Stretches and yawning may be a way to flex muscles and joints , increase heart rate ,and feels more awake .
On a lighter note , yawning seems to be contagious. If you yawn in class , you'll probably notice a few other people will start yawning , too. Even thinking about yawning can get you yawning.

Simple relativity explained

Do Humans shed their skin ?

                Do humans shed their skin ?

You may not realize it, but you shed skin everyday, or more accurately, some skin cells are shed from the outer layer of the skin called the epidermis.
These are dead skin cells, and they are replaced by new skin cells . New skin cells are grown in the layer of skin called the dermis , and as they grow , they push their way outwards . In fact , every 30 days , your skin cells are completely replaced .

But, since this is a gradual process , you do not realize that it is happening at all. However, dead skin can be seen in the form of dandruff and skin flakes .

The skin that you shed become a part of the dust floating around you , and when you inhale dust , you also inhale dead human skin cells !!!

Zoom on universe

From Big bang till now

Unique man

                           The Unique man

It is the cerebrum ,the largest part of the brain that makes us unique among all living beings .
The cerebrum consist of two wrinkled hemisphere of nerve tissues . They are known as the left cerebral hemisphere and the right cerebral hemisphere, and they make up 85 per cent of the brains weight . The surface of cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex.
All our conscious activities are controlled by the cerebrum . Different parts of the cerebrum with different parts of the body . The back part deals with vision , while other parts deal with other functions like movement, hearing language, and touch.

We notice things , remember them , and solve problems all because of that high developed part of the brain called the cerebrum . In fact, the cerebrum is responsible for the reasoning power and intelligence that set up apart from all other living things . Making us the unique man .

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


                        AURORA ISLANDS

HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE AURORA ISLANDS ? Even if you have , you are unlikely to ever see them , for they have just vanished from the face of the Earth !              
The story begins in the 18th century , when the captain of a ship , sailing in the south Atlantic waters , saw three small islands , called Aurora islands , after the name of the first ship. They soon became a common landmark for the Spanish ships that routinely went to South America - and then suddenly , the islands disappeared!

Since most islands are produced by volcanic activity , they can appear and disappear just as quickly over time , and leave no trace for sea explorers to find .

This may be the explanation as why another phantom island , Isla Grande , which lay to the north of the Aurora Islands, has now vanished too. However , this explanation does not hold good for the disappearance of islands called Davis' Land.

There is even an island named the isle of Brazil, which keeps appearing off and on near the coast of Ireland.


                         BLACK DEATH
A terrible disease reached  Europe from Eastern countries. The Europeans thought it to be a curse of the 'savages' who lived in these countries. Today, this disease is understood to be bubonic pneumonia plague .

England, at that point of time was prosperous. On a fine summer day in 1348, a French sailor stepped on English soil . He unknowingly carried the bacillus of the disease, and become the origin of the pestilence that later came to be known as the black death.

It is estimated that at least half a million people - which was a large percentage of the world's population - fell prey to black death . The black death spread , and reached it's peak in the spring of 1349.

It died out during autumn that same year , leaving behind a disrupted society, and having ruined trade in Europe .

Black Holes

Black holes are the most mysterious bodies in the whole universe.  

Astronomers consider a black hole as a stage in the evolution of the star. They are probably formed when a supernova occur . If a star is ten times more massive than the sun ,no known force can stop the increasing gravity , and it will collapse to a point of infinite density. Before this stage is reached within a certain radius , light itself becomes trapped , and the object becomes invisible , and becomes a black hole.

With the invention of invisible radiation like radio waves , ultraviolet , x- ray's , gamma rays ,etc., Locating the invisible black holes has been possible. Black wholes are the densest areas in the universe.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The universal end

                  Will the universe end ?

      It is difficult to think that the universe might end someday. But cosmologist, the people who study the universe ,are sure it will.
They think it will stop expanding outwards, start shrinking back to nothing. They call this event the "big crunch" . The star will burn out gradually , and finally there will be just lumps of rocks and dust floating around.
However don't worry to much about it . All this is in billions and possibly trillions of years from now . Moreover, there are still some scientist who thinks this won't happen at all ,and that the universe will go on forever.
They figure that gravity won't allow the universe to stop expanding ,and so it will just keep getting bigger and bigger.

Trinity test

 Trinity test : The beginning

Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of a nuclear device. This test was conducted by the United States on July 16th, 1945. It was on this day that a plutonium bomb was tested at a site in Los Alamos.

Hoisted atop a 50 metre tower , the plutonium device detonated at precisely 5:30 am over the New Mexico desert, releasing 18.6 kilotonnes of power instantly vaporising the tower . Seconds after the explosion came an enormous blast . A ball of fire tore up into the sky , and then was surrounded by a giant mushroom cloud .
Scientist figured that the temperature at the center of the explosion was three times hotter than at the center of the sun . Thus the nuclear age had begun .

Monday, May 7, 2018



Plutonium is an extremely rare element in the Earth's crust. It is so rare that for many years it was thought that it did not occur naturally.
The main source of plutonium is uranium-238, which is used in nuclear reactors.large quantities are produced each year by this process. 
Plutonium was discovered by a team of scientist at the Berkeley radiation laboratory in California in 1940. They isolated plutonium-238 from a sample of uranium.
The discovery of plutonium was kept a secret until 1946 because of world war 2.
The first production of plutonium was at the oak ridge national laboratory at Tennessee and was used to make a nuclear bomb.
Plutonium is now used in both nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.