Thursday, May 10, 2018

Unique man

                           The Unique man

It is the cerebrum ,the largest part of the brain that makes us unique among all living beings .
The cerebrum consist of two wrinkled hemisphere of nerve tissues . They are known as the left cerebral hemisphere and the right cerebral hemisphere, and they make up 85 per cent of the brains weight . The surface of cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex.
All our conscious activities are controlled by the cerebrum . Different parts of the cerebrum with different parts of the body . The back part deals with vision , while other parts deal with other functions like movement, hearing language, and touch.

We notice things , remember them , and solve problems all because of that high developed part of the brain called the cerebrum . In fact, the cerebrum is responsible for the reasoning power and intelligence that set up apart from all other living things . Making us the unique man .

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