Wednesday, May 9, 2018


                        AURORA ISLANDS

HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE AURORA ISLANDS ? Even if you have , you are unlikely to ever see them , for they have just vanished from the face of the Earth !              
The story begins in the 18th century , when the captain of a ship , sailing in the south Atlantic waters , saw three small islands , called Aurora islands , after the name of the first ship. They soon became a common landmark for the Spanish ships that routinely went to South America - and then suddenly , the islands disappeared!

Since most islands are produced by volcanic activity , they can appear and disappear just as quickly over time , and leave no trace for sea explorers to find .

This may be the explanation as why another phantom island , Isla Grande , which lay to the north of the Aurora Islands, has now vanished too. However , this explanation does not hold good for the disappearance of islands called Davis' Land.

There is even an island named the isle of Brazil, which keeps appearing off and on near the coast of Ireland.

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